Friday, March 16, 2007

Are You The Date Magnet?

My MSN was just starting up, and Windows Live Today was featuring this topic called "Date Magnets". Seems kinda interesting and so I read how true it is that guys can attract the girls. Well, the first few are reasonable and are a little more to the tactical ways of winning the girls' hearts. But I like the last two.

No call-waiting:“Contrary to what you see in the movies and on TV, I think it’s always best to call a girl when you say you are going to call and not play stupid waiting games. What’s that all about? If I tell a girl I’ll call her tomorrow, I do, and I always get a good reaction. In fact, I think it’s sad when girls are surprised that I follow up as promised. The right kind of girl doesn’t want a guy who plays games. Treat a woman with respect, and she’ll want to be around you.”– Jeffrey, 31, sales representative, Chamblee, GA

Be a gentleman:“I admit it’s old-fashioned, but I always open doors for a woman, pull out her chair before she sits and stand when she gets up from the table. Women are sometimes a little surprised by my actions, but ultimately they appreciate it. A woman once told me that doing those things made her feel like a lady and that’s what it’s all about. If you treat a woman like a Queen, she’ll want you to be her King, so to speak!”– Larry, 27, lawyer, Miami, FL

Sometimes the guys would believe that it's better to play hard to get, haha, just like what the girls like doing in order to gain more attention and anxiety! But too much of it from the guy is probably gonna make the girl annoyed, unless she is head over heels for the guy. Hmm, I wonder if the same goes to the guys too?


Jazlie said...

The downside of the 2nd approach - pull chair, open car door, etc is, the guy needs to continue to do this after married, if not, I wish him good luck :)

Anonymous said...

Playing hard to get is tedious.. end up seeing who is more patient, who is more cunning, who is more thick face and not to forget... ehhmmm... who is more desperate...

Kinda like the 1st guy's opinion.... why play games :)

Hahaha, yup yup, jazlie is right... Being too nice at the start has the problem that the girl will eventually take it as a daily routine, a must, a natural, her right in this world :P So that's why they say cannot "sai lang" .. kekeke


power PufF! said...

Haha, pandai pandai be moderate and don't sai lang one shot. What I really like about it is don't play waiting games. But Jaz, Schumico still treat you very nice ma, hahaha.
