Saturday, June 30, 2007

Watch Your Lunch

Imagine this... You are in a nice air-conditioned restaurant for lunch. As you're flipping through the menu, prices of the ala carte items seem like a lil costly and you start to think that you're gonna burn a lil hole in ur wallet if you order another extra soup which will cost you an extra RM6 maybe? Then, you see this attrative set meal, which offers the ala carte you wanted, plus soup, drinks and bread at just RM3 extra! The picture shows you a FULL bowl of soup with a nice cup of drink, golden toasted bread and such a soothing cup of dessert. Without hesitation, you order the set meal.

They started to serve you with the soup... and you notice that it's just 30% full. You start to wonder if there's a mistake... or have they run out of soup?? When the waiter is being questioned why the shrinked amount of soup, he just answered, "Oh... because this is a set meal." What the heck?!! So what if it's a set meal? So they are just offering the set meals at a lower price because the portion of food is less? When your ala carte arrives, you even realise that the portion of the costly ingredients like shrimps or meat is also less! Again, it's because the meal that your ordered is from the set meals? In other words, the set meals mean nothing but lower priced food at a lower quality and quantity. But all these signs were not mentioned through the graphics shown in the menu or indicated anywhere in the promotion.

So consumers out there, the next time you're gonna go for set meals, remember to ask and confirm that the items in the set meal you order are not down-sized or anything before placing your order. I have no idea when restaurants in Malaysia get so cheap to actually come out with this kind of business strategy, sigh... Places to be careful of: Pastasia in Queensbay and Hidden Recipe in Sg Dua. Someday when I am free enough to gather all the evidence and relevant information, I will raise up this issue to CAP. Do not remain in the typical culture of putting yourself in silent grudge when you don't get what you pay for. Make a difference man...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sabar lah ....
